Thirteen ordinary Angelenos desperately seek to escape the horrors of an atrocious zombie apocalypse and reluctantly embark on a quest to reach the safety of a bunker in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Zoe Beauchamp, a strong-willed woman, takes the helm and leads the group through a white-knuckle race, only to be shockingly confronted with the most exhilarating conundrum of her life in a mind-blowing adventure with a Deja Vu like twist.
This is a story about the power of the human spirit, illuminating the dark path of trials and turbulences which in the end emerges victorious only to face another challenge….

project z
Chapter 1- The Attack
A body of a scrawny fellow dressed in overalls slammed against the first-floor windows of the Paradime Corporation, his face smashing against the smooth pane of the window and teeth scraping like nails on a chalkboard. The body hung for a second, as if glued in place, the glass cracking in long, spidery lines. But the window held. A second passed and the body slid from view, smearing the smooth surface with blobs of brain and bits of bone mixed with yellow fat.
Startled, Dalia Ivanova looked up from her computer screen and pushed her glasses up with her middle finger. Dalia did not need glasses, but she was convinced they should make her appear either sexy or smart. They didn’t. Her pouty mouth, heavy with red lipstick, curved downward. Who’s messing around now? Outside, several ropes hanging down the side of the building clacked against the window—window washing crew, she figured. Seeing no one, she extended her middle finger at whoever was trying to scare her.
Suddenly, an ashen figure with lifeless eyes appeared outside the window. Dazed but purposeful, the zombie stuck out a thick tongue, dripping with mucus and slurped the grisly grime from the glass as dark veins pumped black blood under paper-thin skin. He was missing half his cheek, and putrefied teeth protruded from pus-infested gums. He moved in jerking motions as if a novice puppeteer were pulling his strings.
Chapter 1 – The Attack
Petrified, Dalia gasped for air and pierced the silence of the office with a high-pitched scream.
Alarmed, people working alongside her turned and instantly froze. In a trance, they stirred closer to the repulsive commotion unfolding outside and ignored Dalia—busy working on a second scream.
The zombie continued to lick the window, oblivious to the horror-struck faces watching his every move. The women screamed hysterically. Some men did too.
On the other side of the building, Zoe and Ben Beauchamp were finishing their lunch. Ben had come to visit his daughter at work and thought catching up over lunch would be nice. As they walked back to the Paradime office, they heard the screams. Zoe ran her security badge past the sensor and the door clicked open.
By the time the two reached the gathered staff, still standing in shock, a livid legion of zombies was quickly clumping outside the office, clawing at the windows with cracked fingernails like crabs in a crate. Their pasty faces looked diabolically depraved and many inside the office were convinced they could smell the rotting flesh through the window. Mesmerized by the sight, they found it impossible to look away.
The Paradime drug company had a distribution center in Pasadena, California, from which they shipped drug products all over the west coast and Pacific Rim countries… Read more here
Cast of
“Project Z”